Fire Starters

  • One Match Gelled FireStarter - 32oz

    One Match Gelled FireStarter - 32oz

    Rutland One Match Gelled FireStarter  -  32oz The Rutland Gelled Fire Starter allows you to spend more time enjoying your fire and less time making it. This extra thick gel stays wherever you squeeze it, lights without any dangerous flare ups,...
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  • MultiFuel Firelighting Pellets - 2lbs.

    MultiFuel Firelighting Pellets - 2lbs.

    MultiFuel Firelighting Pellets   -  2lbs. Cleanest and most efficient way to start a MultiFuel, corn, pellet or coal stoves. Once ignited, pellets reach a temperature of 1800-Degree F within 20 seconds and leave no residual ash. Obvious...
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  • Fatwood Firelighter - 2lbs.

    Fatwood Firestarter - 2lbs.

    Fatwood FireStarter  -  2lbs. Fatwood Stickss are non-toxic, environmentally friendly fire starter squares that are made of recycled materials. Easy to light, they are ideal for camping, grills, stoves, and fireplaces. These fire starting...
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  • One Match Gelled FireStarter - 32oz

    One Match Gelled FireStarter - 16oz

    Rutland One Match Gelled FireStarter  -  16oz The Rutland Gelled Fire Starter allows you to spend more time enjoying your fire and less time making it. This extra thick gel stays wherever you squeeze it, lights without any dangerous flare ups,...
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  • Firelighter Squares FireStarter Firelighter Squares FireStarter

    Firelighter Squares FireStarter - 24Sq.

    Firelighter Squares FireStarter  -  24Sq Fire Starter Squares are non-toxic, environmentally friendly fire starter squares that are made of recycled materials. Easy to light, they are ideal for camping, grills, stoves, and fireplaces. These...
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  • Gel FireStarter - 32oz (MRD-432)

    Gel FireStarter - 32oz

    Meeco Gel FireStarter  -  32oz Ethanol based Burns longer and hotter than IPA blends Ideal for igniting wood, pellet, corn and coal stoves DO NOT USE in decorative firepots Made in the USA  Can Not be Shipped UPS or USPS AIR
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